your video

in one click

just fliz it!

Automate high-quality videos powered by AI to increase your sales


Creating a video has never been so easy! Just paste in your URL and let Fliz work its magic.

🔗 STEP 1

Enter the URL of your page, whether it’s an article, a product sheet or an ad, and choose your format. That’s it.


Flizicadabra! In just a few seconds, Fliz uses AI to generate a video of unique quality, retrieving the essential information from your page.


Share your videos on your website and social medias (TikTok, Instagram Reals, Youtube Shorts…) and enjoy the success!


At Fliz, we offer 3 video styles to suit all your needs! Each of our video styles can be generated in 9:16 (TikTok, Youtube Shorts, Instagram Real…), Square (Post instagram, website…) and 16:9 (Youtube, website…) formats.

Transform your blog post or news article into a impactful video! Our artificial intelligence analyzes your article and generates a one-minute summary that captures essential information and key points. We then create a professional voiceover with subtitles, as well as unique images, to make a unique video that you can use across all your platforms.

Transform your product listing into a sales video, regardless of your e-commerce platform! We extract information from your product listing, such as the description and images, and generate a script specifically tailored to your product. Your video will be ready in no time with your product images, background music, our sales script, a professional voiceover, and subtitles!

Turn your ad (real estate, travel, classifieds, etc.) into a compelling video! We gather images and information from your online ad. Using this information, we determine 6 key features to highlight in your video. You can effortlessly create a complete 30-second video with your ad images, our script, key features of your ad, a professional voiceover, subtitles, and background music!


Here are some examples of videos generated with Fliz.


Easy to use

Time saving

Conversion increased

High quality content

SEO videos

share your videos everywhere

Once your video is created, share it on your own website and all your social medias such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, Youtube Shorts, Facebook…

universal compatibility

Fliz is compatible with all e-commerce solutions, whether open source, SaaS or developed in-house.
This means that any e-merchant, whatever platform they use, can benefit from the ease and efficiency of Fliz.